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MSE-FORKS now also on Twitter!

MSE-FORKS now has its own Twitter account so you can find out the latest and greatest in what’s going on at our company. For example, we’ve tweeted that:

  • Our RollerForks® YouTube channel is viewed an average of 65 times a day.
  • Our website is visited an average of 90 times a day.
  • MSE-FORKS can offer a push/pull attachmentweighing a mere 350 kg.
  • Our ROLLERFORKS® are patented.
  • MSE-FORKS recently purchased another CNC drill and milling machine.
  • We have our own sales office in the US.
  • The Promat will be held in January 2013 and MSE-FORKS Inc. will be participating in it.
  • MSE-FORKS is the world’s biggest manufacturer of telescopic forks for forklift trucks.
  • We will soon be launching a safeguard on the market for the prevention of overloads on forklift trucks.


Euro-Pallet Handling
KOOI® ReachForks
One-Sided (un)loading